I personally practiced sleep sharing with my son until he was 8 months old, and am currently sharing sleep with my 5 month old daughter. It is something that has worked well for our family and for many others as well. The only safe place to share sleep with your baby is in your bed! Not on your sofa, or couch. The bed should be free of fluffy bedding, pillows or anything else baby can become entangled in. Your clothing should also be free of any ties or strings baby could get entangled in. You should dress your baby warmly, but not too warm, keep in mind your body heat will also help to keep your baby warm. If your spouse is also in the bed, do not place baby in the middle! Dad's are not as physiologically in tune with baby as Mom's are and may roll over or thrash around too much. Same goes if you also share sleep with an older child (My 3 year old sleeps in the bed also from time to time). Never ever go to bed with your infant if you have been drinking or taking any medications that may alter your state of mind. That includes things like cough medicine that may make you drowsy. If you are a very heavy sleeper, you may want to consider a different sleeping arrangement.
The way I have slept with both my children is with myself laying on my side and my baby laying with their head in the crook of my arm. This is convenient for night time feedings and I always know where baby is during the night. A breastfeeding Mom is very connected with her baby and it has been proven that Mom's and baby's who share sleep on a regular basis tend to be on the same sleep cycle, entering light sleep at the same time so that when baby wakes, Mom is ready! It's quite incredible :) If it is possible, it helps to move your bed so that it is against the wall. That way you have: wall, baby, Mom, then Dad (if Dad still stays in the bed). You must however make certain that your mattress is flush with the wall so baby cannot get trapped in between. I have found that sharing sleep with my baby who is still young enough to need night time feedings enables both myself and baby to get more rest. I know the instant they stir so I can promptly respond instead of baby having to wake all the way up screaming before I realize what's going on. This means baby goes back to sleep more easily and I don't even have to get up and fully wake up myself in order to meet the needs of my baby.
Here is me and my first child, he was 2 months old:
For more information on safe sleep sharing please visit these links:
askdrsears.com - SAFE CO-SLEEPING
kellymom.com - The Family Bed
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